All-American Lodge Contest
Exalted Ruler’s: If you take pride in your Lodge, and think it is one of the best in the State of Maine or even in the United States, here is your opportunity to find out if it truly is an All-American Lodge.
By clicking the button below, you can download the All-American Lodge Contest Form from the Grand Lodge website on It is strongly encouraged that you do not wait to fill this form out at the end of the Lodge year. Instead, you should download the form at the beginning of the year and use it as a guide to maximize the number of points your Lodge can earn.
To complete the form, the Lodge Secretary will need to certify the number of members in your Lodge so that it can be placed in the correct membership division. Your Lodge will be competing against others of your size, which can be determined by the divisions outlined below:
- Division 1 0-150 members
- Division 2 151-225 members
- Division 3 226-300 members
- Division 4 301-450 members
- Division 5 451-700 members
- Division 6 701 and over members
Simply circle the points earned as listed in the point value column (left side). Where no points are shown in
the point value column on the form, please list the points that the Lodge earned in that area
as indicated for the item in the “Activity” block. Be sure to list all the different activities
for which points are being requested on the back of the form or on separate pieces
of paper. This is considered backup material to prove that you actually earned the points.
Once you have completed the form, you should total up the points in the left column (Lodge) at the bottom of the form. It must be mailed to your District Deputy, postmarked no later than April 1, 2022.
If you do not provide documentation of the points earned, the points will not be allowed. The District Deputy will be verifying the information and will either allow the points you have earned and documented or will mark the DD Column with the points that have been earned.
Please be careful that activities having a point value stated on the form are not included again for additional points on the backup material.
Please also note that points are only awarded for participation in a program and not based
on the number of participants or the number of times it is done. Donations of money are
reported separately.
This is the most prestigious of the Grand Lodge Awards, for it recognizes those Lodges that are best exemplifying that “Elks Care — Elks Share.”
You can’t win if you don’t enter, and you won’t know how many points that other Lodge’s have earned or even if they’ve entered until the contest results are announced. The only way to find out if your Lodge is a winner is to enter the contest.
Awards are presented at the State Convention in May, and the National Awards are announced by the Fraternal Committee at the Grand Lodge Convention in July.