News from the Maine Elks Association

Portland Lodge Supports Local Non-Profit Efforts

(Shown L-R): Margaret Poulin, chair, 188 Basket Raffle, Silvan Shawe, Cultivating Community; Melissa Skahan, McAuley Residence; Angela Stone, Maine Needs; and Kim Toppi, 188 Activity Chair/Trustee.

As a result of the recent Basket Raffle extravaganza, the lodge raised $6,120 for work in our neighborhood, and in the members’ lounge on Friday, December 13, Portland #188 presented donations to three local nonprofits.   Present were Melissa Skahan, VP of Northern Light Mercy Hospital/ McAuley Residence and Silvan Shawe, Executive Director of Cultivating Community.  Each were presented a check for $2,000. The remaining money is being used to purchase new dinner plates for the banquet side of the lounge.

Additionally, the lodge recently held a warming tree clothing drive for Maine Needs, and during the December 13th presentation Angela Stone, Executive Director and founder of Maine Needs, accepted 529 items of clothing, boots, gift cards, hats, mittens, coats, and other essential items to help our neighbors in need.

November’s Calendar Winners

1962Angel Mott $ 25.00 Skow/Madison
2881Lester Delano $ 50.00 Sanford
3412Stephen Spielvogel $ 50.00 Farmington
41003Kenneth T. Clubluo $ 25.00 Waterville
51707Lisa Martin $ 25.00 Bangor
6540James Nyman $ 25.00 Millinocket
71742Dustin Small $ 25.00 Farmington
81449Carol Russell $ 25.00 Bangor
91574Gary Grant $ 50.00 Rockland
101033Deanna & David Proulx $ 50.00 Waterville
111345Matt Barnes $ 100.00 Bangor
1216Nancy Barrows $ 25.00 Augusta
13654Alan Harding $ 25.00 Presque Isle
14643Katie Peterson $ 25.00 Old Town
15964Greg Savard $ 25.00 Skow/Madison
16555Tim Smith $ 50.00 Millinocket
171322Sue C. Bassi $ 50.00 Bangor
18654Alan Harding $ 25.00 Preque Isle
19324Vaughn Nichols $ 25.00 Ellsworth
201416Micheal Hopkins $ 25.00 Bangor
211207Nicole Boutin $ 25.00 Ellsworth
22991Brenda J. Crocker $ 25.00 Waterville
23406Terry Mosher $ 50.00 Farmington
241546Elliott Nathanson $ 50.00 Portland
25631Peter & Vicky Jipson $ 25.00 Old Town
26398Renee O'Rourke $ 25.00 Farmington
271345Matt Barnes $ 25.00 Bangor
281213Bunk Duw $ 100.00 Ellsworth
29217Beverly Baumann $ 25.00 Bidd-Saco
301250Teresa Hallett $ 50.00 Bangor

Togus National Cemetary Wreaths

We need help with the placement of 2300+ wreaths next Saturday, December 14th at 12:00 p.m. (Ceremony followed by Wreath Laying)
METNCA – Togus National Cemetery
Foggy Bottom Trail
Chelsea, ME 04330
FMI:  Contact:  Mike “Shu” Michaud, PER
                          MEA Veterans Chairman
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