David Hammond

ENF Committee Director
Waterville #905

Elks National Foundation Committee

Programs & Info

ENF Committee News

How is the Elks National Foundation Helping Maine?

When you give to the Elks National Foundation, you’re doing more than funding the Elks National Drug Awareness and “Hoop Shoot” programs. You’re doing more than supporting the Community Investments Program and providing Emergency Educational Grants to the children of deceased or totally disabled Elks. You’re doing more than meeting the needs of today’s veterans and maintaining the Elks National Memorial. Learn more about how the ENF is helping the State of Maine!

Bath Lodge Makes Impact on their Community

Prior to opening the December 8th lodge meeting Bath ER Craig Johnson and the lodge officers took the opportunity to distribute some of the funds they'd been raising since April, into their local community.      ER Johnson procured a grant from the Elks National...

Elks National Foundation Committee

The Elks National Foundation (ENF) is literally the “Great Heart of Elkdom” across the country, and definiately makes an impact on the Lodges and their communities in Maine.

The ENF Committee is responsible for encouraging Elk Lodges and their members to raise money to grow the fund. The premise behind the Elks National Foundation is to use only the income from the fund each year to support its programs and to grow the fund through investments and ongoing contributions from members and Lodges.

The Elks National Foundation supports Maine Communities in the following ways:

For every dollar donated to the ENF by the Maine Elks, the ENF returns to the State $1.60 in grants for Scholarship programs, Youth Programs, and Veteran Services.  Last year, that added up to $181,630 dollars Add to this the money granted through the Elk Lodges as part of the Community Investment Grants program which adds another $130,500 to Lodges in Maine to give back to their communities.

Since inception in 1928, the Maine Elks Association members and Lodges have contributed a total of $3,799,775 dollars to the foundation.

To the Maine Elks, the Elks National Foundation is very important, as the money allows our association and our members to continually show that Elks Care–Elks Share!

How Does ENF Help Maine

How is the Elks National Foundation Helping Maine?

When you give to the Elks National Foundation, you’re doing more than funding the Elks National Drug Awareness and “Hoop Shoot” programs. You’re doing more than supporting the Community Investments Program and providing Emergency Educational Grants to the children of deceased or totally disabled Elks. You’re doing more than meeting the needs of today’s veterans and maintaining the Elks National Memorial.

During the 2021-2022 Lodge year, the Elks of Maine donated $113,149 to the Elks National Foundation. This year, the Foundation will give back the following grants that support our State Major Project: The Maine Children’s Cancer Program, as well as other charitable and philanthropic projects. Some of the money goes to the Drug Awareness Program, Hoop Shoot, Soccer Shoot, and other educational programs.Last year the Maine Elks Asssociation received:

  • State Charities Grant:    $72,490.00
  • Special Projects Grant:  $52,310.00
  • Bonus Grant:                    $13,350.00

The Maine Elks Association will award a total of 6 Most Valuable Student scholarships to high school seniors. (Click here to check out last year’s recipients) In addition, we will award up to 5 Legacy scholarships to children, grandchildren and stepchildren of Elks. (Click here to check out Maine’s recent recipients.)


  •  Most Valuable Student: $24,000.00
  • Legacy Award: $16,000.00

We also provide the Elks National Veterans Service Commission with funding to support its volunteers working in veterans hospitals and medical centers.


  • Funding for VA Voluntary Service Volunteers:    $3,480.00
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