Lunch With the Grand Exalted Ruler- Augusta Lodge #964

Augusta Elks Lodge 397 Civic Center Dr, Augusta, ME, United States

On Tuesday November 5th at 12:00 Grand Exalted Ruler will be visiting the Augusta Lodge for lunch. Soups, Sandwichs, salad and stews will be available for a low price of […]

GER Luncheon- Old Town Lodge #1287

Old Town Elks Lodge 37 Fourth St, Old Town, ME, United States

The Old Town Lodge will be hosting a luncheon for Grand Exalted Ruler Doug Schiefer and First Lady Julia at the Lodge at 12:00pm. Reservations must be submitted by October […]

GER Visit/ Banquet

Bangor Elks Lodge 108 Odlin Rd, Bangor, ME, United States

Grand Exalted Ruler Douglas Schiefer and First Lady of Elkdom Julia will be our guests at the Bangor Lodge for the annual GER Banquet. The Banquet will start at 6:00pm […]

Veterans Ball- Bangor Lodge #244

Bangor Elks Lodge 108 Odlin Rd, Bangor, ME, United States

The Bangor Lodge will be hosting their annual Veterans Ball starting at 5:00pm with happy hour. Dinner will start at 6:00 followed by some guest speakers. Dancing to the music […]

Veterans Day

To all our Veterans: "We Salute You" Thank you for your service.

MEA Learning Seminar

Waterville Elks Lodge 76 Industrial St, Waterville, ME, United States

On November 17, 2024, the Maine Elks Association will be conducting a new Lodge Management Seminar for all Lodge Officers, Board Members, and House Committee members, plus anyone else interested in learning […]

District Deputy Application Deadline

District Deputy Applications along with a Letter of Support from your Lodge is due to your District Special representative. Applications can be found at under the Leadership heading. Contact […]

Portland Elks Basket Raffle

Portland Elks Lodge 1945B Congress St, South Portland, ME, United States

Take your chance on winning one of 75 gift baskets. All baskets have been donated by the local business community. Kitchen opens for Lunch on Saturday and breakfast on Sunday. […]

State President Visit- Bath Lodge #934

Bath Elks Lodge 9 Lambard St, Bath, ME, United States

State President Mike Hannigan and First Lady Denise will be making an official visit to the Bath Lodge and attending the Annual Jingle Jam Fundraiser. Contact the Bath Lodge for […]

Hoop Shoot- Sebasticook Valley Lodge #2713

The Sebasticook Valley Lodge will be holding their Lodge Hoop Shoot at the MCI Wrights Gym starting at 10:00am. Please arrive at 9:30 for registration. Contact Mike Havey for more […]

Bangor Lodge Hoop Shoot

James F. Doughty School 143 5th Street, Bangor, ME, United States

Bangor Lodge #244 Hoop Shoot will take place at James F Doughty School starting with registration at 2:00pm. The Shoot will start at 3:00.

Bangor Lodge #244 Hoop Shoot

James F. Doughty School 143 5th Street, Bangor, ME, United States

The Bangor Lodge Hoop Shoot for children aged 8-13 will take place at the James F Doughty School on December 14th at 3:00pm. Registration starts at 2:30. Volunteers should be […]

Hoop Shoot- Northern District

James F. Doughty School 143 5th Street, Bangor, ME, United States

The Northern District Hoop Shoot will be held at the James F Doughty School on Sunday January 5th at 10:00am. Registration will take place at 9:30. Volunteers should be in […]

Hoop Shoot- Coastal District

Bath Middle School 6 Old Brunswick Rd, Bath, ME, United States

The Coastal District will be holding the district shoot at the Bath Middle School starting at 10:00 am. Please contact Rod Bauer for more information.

MEA State Hoop Shoot

Red Barry Gym BHS 855 Broadway, Bangor, ME, United States

The MEA State Hoop Shoot will take place at the Red Barry Gym located at Bangor High School. For more information or directions contact the Northern District Chairman, Shawn Stacey […]

State Presidents Visit- Rockland Lodge #1008

Rockland Elks Lodge 210 Rankin St, Rocklande, ME, United States

State President Mike Hannigan and First Lady Denise will be making an Official visit to the Rockland Lodge. A Valentines dance is scheduled. Please contact the Lodge for more details.

Ritual Contest- Lodge

The Lodge Ritual Contest will be held at 10:00am. Location to be announced later. Contact MEA Ritual Chair Frank Ricker for more information.

MEA Budget Meeting

Houlton Elks Lodge 86 Main St, Houlton, ME, United States

The 2025-2026 Budget Meeting will take place at the Houlton Lodge at 1:00pm. ALL State Trustees must attend. All committee chairs are encouraged to attend to have your budget for the coming […]

State President Homecoming

Houlton Elks Lodge 86 Main St, Houlton, ME, United States

The State President Homecoming is scheduled for March 1st, 2025. more information will be posted when it becomes available.

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