This year the Most Valuable Student Contest had 100% participation with all Lodges having at least 1 Scholarship application.  There was a total of 110 Applicants from Maine.  Bangor #244 led the way with 11 Applicants, followed by Ellsworth #2743 and Farmington #2430, each with 10 applicants. District Level Scoring is currently underway and will end on January 10, 2024. State Scoring will begin on February 1 – 20, 2024

Congratulations, to Kathy Stevens of Augusta Lodge #964.  She is moving up from Central District Chairperson to a MVS State Judge.  Mike “Shu” Michaud, PER will step into the Central District Coordinator position.  Please update your directory to include this change.  Mike’s contact information is noted below:

Mike Michaud
27 Bunny St.
Augusta, ME  04330
(207) 441-2838

Thank You, Mike! He’s been an enormous help through the years, and I am confident he’ll do an amazing job.

Legacy Awards deadline is February 5, 2024.  Please make sure your fellow Elk members know that this deadline is upcoming.

The Emergency Grant Program was open May 1 – December 1, 2023, for children or stepchildren of a deceased or totally disabled Elk.  These are $5,000.00 one-year, renewable grants.  If you know of someone that may qualify, please have them contact Lina Michaud, so that she may review the guidelines with them and assist with the application process.

The Gunther & Lee Weigei Medical School Scholarship applications opened January 2, 2024.  Last year, the 2023 contest, awarded ten (10) $22,000.00 scholarships to Elk Scholars, entering their 1st year of medical school in the Fall of 2023.  This scholarship is open to current or former scholarship recipients of the Elks National Foundation Awards, ONLY.

Also, nominations are being accepted for the prestigious Maine Elks Association Scholarship Special Recognition Award.  If you know of someone that has worked diligently at the local, district or state level on behalf of youth of their communities and the Elk Scholarship Programs, please submit a nomination by February 29, 2024 for this year’s award.  You may e-mail the nomination to:  Lina Michaud, PER, 27 Bunny St., Augusta, ME  04330 or E-Mail:

I wish each and every one of you, a phenomenal New Year with good health, fortune and most importantly the love and support of your Elk Family.


Lina Michaud PER
Maine Elks Association
State Scholarship Coordinator
(207) 485-4710

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