Accidents happen, but many are preventable. Each Lodge is required to have an Accident Prevention Manager as a member of the Board of Trustees. The Accident Prevention Manager is responsible for inspecting the Lodge building and operations to identify and correct any issues that may be found that could potentially cause an accident or increase liability for the Lodge. The Grand Lodge Safety and Insurance Program offers many tips on how to do this. Here is the Fall edition of the Accident Prevention/Insurance Risk Newsletter.

This newsletter is not just for Accident Prevention Managers, but all Officers and Members who wish to help keep their Lodge safe, and to help keep the rising cost of insurance at a minimum. Remember, that any claims that are paid come out of the Elks Insurance (we are self-insured), and the more the fund is depleted, the more we will have to pay in per-capita for insurance. This became apparent when two years ago, the per-capita for insurance rose by $5.00, and again this year by another $5.00. That’s $10 extra dollars out of every Elk’s pocket. if we all work to eliminate or reduce claims, we’ll all be helping keep the cost of membership down. Remember, accident prevention is everyone’s responsibility. If you see something that needs to be corrected, let your Accident Prevention Manager or any Lodge officer know so that it can be corrected.

Additional information on Safety and Insurance can be found here: Safety and Insurance (

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