MEA Officer & Committee News Submission Form

To keep the Maine Elks Association website updated with the latest news, all MEA Officers & Committee Chairmen are requested to submit news at least quarterly by completing and submitting this form. Inform the members of any events that are being held, dates of events, clinics, seminars, deadlines, contest information or results, and of course your report to be presented at an MEA State Association Meeting. Remember, as a State Officer or Committee Chairman, you have an important role in keeping the membership updated on the activities of your committee and your assistance will be appreciated by all.

Please note that your submission will not appear immediately. It will need to be reviewed and edited for grammar, spelling, punctuation, and content. If clarification is required, you will be contacted by the MEA Website team.

Your Name (State Officer or Committee Chairman)
Your Name (State Officer or Committee Chairman)
When can this be published?
Select future date for publication of your news
Please enter a title for your news that is appropriate for the content of your news. (e.g., Americanism Essay Winners Announced, etc.)

Maximum file size: 2MB

If you have an Event Photo or Graphic that is to accompany your news article, please submit it here. A maximum of 4 photos will be allowed.
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