“Rowland “Duke” Morgan Award
“Elk of the Year”
This award was originally called the “Mr. Elk” award but was renamed to reflect the statutory changes that have been made since its inception.
The award was created by then MEA State President, Frank Ricker, in 1990, as a tribute to Rowland Duke Morgan, a 58-year member of Sanford Lodge # 1470. Duke was initiated into the lodge in 1931 and served on many committees of that lodge until his death in 1989. He served as its Exalted Ruler in 66-67.
Brother Morgan soon became involved with the Maine Elks Association and served on several of its committees. He served many terms as trustee of the Maine Elks Association and was often the installing officer at the annual convention, as well as delivering several eulogies at its memorial service.
During the fraternal year 1973-1974, Duke served as District Deputy Grand Exalted Ruler, Maine West.
In 1986-1987, Duke was elected by acclamation as an Honorary President of the Maine Elks Association. At that time, only the second member to be so honored.
During his years in Elkdom, Duke served as advisor for countless leaders of lodges and the Maine Elks Association. His dedication to his lodge, the Grand Lodge, the Maine Elks Association, and his brother
Elks are legendary.
For a list of the recipients of this prestigious award, click here.