Wow, can you believe how quickly fall is flying by?   The second meeting of the Maine Elks association is only a couple of weeks away.   It will be held in Farmington on October 13th.
A couple of reminders: 
First email your reports to before the meeting, it really helps with keeping the minutes.
Second, we did a great job getting through all the reports in a timely manner in Portland.  I’m working hard to make my report as concise as possible and I know you guys are too.  Just keep in mind if you find yourself saying “just one more thing” ask yourself if it’s necessary.  If you say “oh and just one more” more than once, consolidate your report.
We don’t have to hit them with every detail every time, just an important message you want to stick.  With only about 3 minutes per report (myself included), remind them of things like due dates, recent changes, and brief summaries.
Remember to use the website to continually update all the details you’d love to have time to discuss at a meeting.  In a perfect world the web site should be a bigger audience than a state meeting.
Your hard work is greatly appreciated and I look forward to seeing all of you in Farmington.  I am attaching the order of business to this email.  If you are going to be absent please let me know so I can plan.
Keep up the good work.
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