The Maine Elks Association’s website has earned top honors in the Grand Lodge Fraternal Committee’s State Association Website Contest. This is the first time the state has earned this award since the website was reorganized and updated two years ago. The website earned 5-stars, along with 17 other states, for promoting Elkdom on the internet.

Judging was based on five categories:

Content: Includes coverage of Grand Lodge and State Association programs and current events.

Layout: Ease of use through menu’s, table of contents, and accessibility

Design: Borders, Colors, and Overall Aesthetics

Graphics: overall continuity, window identification, and use of photos and graphics to maintain interest.

Effectiveness in telling the Elks Story: usefulness to members, providing pertinent information, and succeeding in giving non-Elks important information about our programs.

Other states to have earned the 5-Star Website Recognition are:

Congratulations and thank you to the Maine Elks website team for all of your hard work and dedication to promoting Elkdom in the State of Maine and beyond:

  • Leon “Mac” McCreary, Public Relations Director
  • David Chasse, Website Technical Advisor
  • Scott Monroe, Calendar Manager
  • Kathleen Cotterly, Contributing Editor
  • Wayne Cotterly, Committee Advisor
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